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Milky White Discharge: What You Need to Know About Healthy Cervical Mucus

Clear discharge should not be cause for concern. During your ovulation week, you might experience some clear discharge, but it might also happen during periods of sexual excitement, exercising, menopause, etc.

If you have a uterus, you have likely experienced a little something called cervical mucus (a.k.a. benign discharge) which shows up as vaginal discharge. This fluid may seem unimportant and maybe annoying but it provides more information than you may think!

What is vaginal discharge? 

Dr. Sophia Yen, CEO and co-founder of Pandia Health agrees that vaginal discharge is anything that comes out of your vagina in a liquid form. Essentially, it is fluid and cells from the vagina that can be white, sticky, clear, or watery; sometimes there is an odor. It can be no big deal (benign) or a sign of infection. Infected discharge would be itchy, green, yellow, chunky white, and/or have a bad odor.

What is cervical mucus?

The most benign discharge is cervical mucus, which is a fluid that comes from the cervix = the bottom of the uterus. More specifically, it is produced by the cervical canal as a result of rising estrogen, a sex hormone. 


gif discharge is the spit of the vagina


What is cervical mucus made of? 

Although it may look and/or feel gross, cervical mucus is totally natural. It is made up of mucus molecules, water, proteins, and other biochemical compounds (i.e. sodium and potassium). 

Why is cervical mucus so important?

The quality of your cervical mucus is a strong indicator of fertility, or your ability to get pregnant at the moment. Essentially, the way cervical mucus looks and feels each time you wipe can help you determine when you are ovulating, or when an egg is being released.

If you are trying to prevent pregnancy, paying more attention to what is in your underwear and on your toilet paper could be quite useful; the fluid released can serve as a sign that you might want to avoid sex or make sure you are covered via contraception that day.

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How do I check my cervical mucus?

To check your cervical mucus and where you are in your ovulation cycle, you must first take an up close look. If you feel comfortable getting up close and personal with your vagina, do the following: 

    1. Wash your hands with soap and water. 
    2. Gently insert 1 finger up to the first knuckle in your vagina (make sure your nail is not sharp). If you prefer to use an external method, simply check your toilet paper when you wipe your vagina after going to pee. 
    3. Remove your finger and check the texture (i.e. thin, stretchy, sticky) and color. Roll the mucus between your thumb and index finger. Then press the fingers together and see if you can stretch the mucus.



woman uterus illustration


What’s causing period discharge?

It is normal to experience discharge before and after your period. 2 weeks before your period it is normal to have a thin, stretchy, and odorless discharge. This indicates fertility. Read on to learn more about the different discharges during your menstrual cycle.

What causes milky white discharge?

Milky white discharge can be normal. Vaginal mucus aka discharge can be normal and the color/texture will be different in each person. If your discharge is thin, grey, and fishy smelling, then it could be bacterial vaginosis. If it’s not your normal vaginal mucus and is smelly or itchy, see a doctor when next available (it’s not an ASAP moment unless you are having fever or abdominal pain with the discharge). 

What should my cervical mucus look like?

The 4 main types of normal cervical mucus are as follows:

  • Dry phase = This phase represents the non-fertile portions of a person’s cycle. If you notice that your vagina is relatively dry or slightly damp (the vagina secretes its own fluids separate from cervical mucus) you are likely in the dry phase.  Day 1-4 after your period ends and again on Days 14-28
  • Sticky phase = During this phase, you are still non-fertile. While everyone’s body reacts differently, the sticky phase typically entails rubbery, cloudy/white cervical mucus. Day 4-6. 
  • Creamy phase = This phase indicates that you are semi-fertile. Your cervical mucus thickens and appears milky or lotiony, smooth, white. Day 7-9.
  • Clear, stretchy phase = Once you are in this phase, you can expect to ovulate soon. Cervical mucus that is clear and stretchy (egg-white consistency) allows sperm to survive the environment of the vagina, and in turn, could lead to pregnancy. Wet, watery, clear phase = Very fertile. Helps sperm to zip up into the uterus. Day 10-14.


illustration of how to check your fertility


When is the best time to have sex?

While you can have sex anytime you and your partner would like, your cervical mucus can play a crucial role in terms of planning around times of fertility. If you want to get pregnant, do it when the mucus is slippery, as this indicates ovulation.

You are more likely to get pregnant both when you have slippery mucus and up to 3 days before (because the sperm can live up to five days inside a person with a uterus). Once your cervical mucus transitions back to the sticky type, unprotected heterosexual sex has less of a chance of leading to unplanned pregnancy. 


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Is all discharge healthy?

Healthy vaginal discharge is painless, clear or off-white, odorless liquid that flows from your vagina. A change in your discharge (texture, color, smell, or overall amount) may indicate a vaginal infection. For example, if you’re suddenly experiencing more vaginal fluid than usual and if it’s bright yellow or green, thick and chunky, like cottage cheese, or particularly watery discharge, these could be are signs that your body is trying to tell you that something is wrong. 

For example, bacterial vaginosis (BV) is an infection that results when healthy bacteria overgrow and cause an imbalance in your vagina; BV is an unusual vaginal discharge that is thin, grayish-white, and smells of fish. In contrast, vaginal yeast infections, result in a thick, white discharge that looks like cottage cheese and may also cause swelling of the vulva, itching, and painful sex. It is also possible to experience excessive vaginal discharge due to arousal, ovulation, or other sexually transmitted infections (STIs). 

If your vaginal discharge is white and clumpy, like cottage cheese, that could be a yeast infection. You can treat it with over the counter intravaginal cream or you can ask your doctor for a prescription pill to treat it. Yeast infections are often also itchy.

If your discharge is clear or white and doesn’t bother you (most likely it’s cervical mucus), there is nothing to worry about. On the other hand, discharge with one or more of the following may be a sign of infection: 

  • A strong smell (like fish or eggs) 
  • Bright yellow, green, or gray in color 
  • Itching, swelling, burning, or irritation 

Consult a doctor if you notice the following symptoms in addition to abnormal discharge: 

  • Bleeding 
  • A missed period (that is not done intentionally with birth control) 
  • Rashes or sores 
  • Burning during sex or urination
illustration of how women's discharge work

Funky discharge accompanied by unpleasant symptoms may be indicative of an underlying issue. Certain colors, smells, and bodily reactions are associated with various health conditions. 

    • White, thick, and no smell= Yeast infection (Also, itching and irritation of the vagina due to an imbalance of bacteria)
    • Yellow/green, clumpy, and strong smelling = STI (Sexually Transmitted Infection passed via unprotected sex with an infected partner) 
    • Gray, thin, and fishy-smelling = Bacterial vaginosis ( due to buildup of certain bacteria in the vagina) 
    • Pink with no smell = Implantation bleeding (bleeding that occurs before an expected period that could be a sign of pregnancy) or spotting (bleeding between periods)
    • Red with no smell = Cervical polyp (growth on the cervical canal), endometrial cancer (cell growth on the endometrium), or cervical cancer (cell growth on the cervix)

Brown with no smell: Old blood, like breakthrough bleeding

How can I ensure a healthy vagina?

TLDR: don’t use soap, perfume, or douche IN your vagina. 

Unfortunately, those with uteri cannot prevent all bad health conditions from occurring. However, one can decrease the likelihood of developing frequent infections by maintaining a hygienic vagina.

The vagina self-cleans, so you do not need to do anythingto keep things healthy down there. Avoid soaps, wipes, bubble baths, and other scented products and opt for plain, non-perfumed brands or even just warm water when cleaning. 

How can birth control affect discharge? 

The estrogen in the birth control pill causes an increase in healthy discharge by triggering secretions from the vaginal glands. The progestin may also lead to more discharge from the cervix. 

If you notice a change in your discharge after starting hormonal birth control, don’t panic; this is a normal reaction to the new hormones introduced to your body. Some women even welcome this extra lubrication if they previously experienced vaginal dryness

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Should I be embarrassed by my discharge?

Absolutely not! Discharge is a natural function of the body that cannot be controlled. If anything, it can be used as a source of connection amongst individuals with a uterus. If anything, individuals with a uterus can connect and bond over their discharge. Rather than feeling ashamed, why not let it empower you to embrace your sexual health?


illustration white and pink


Speaking of birth control and empowerment, the mission of Pandia Health is to make lives easier by bringing birth control to women wherever they have Internet access and a mailbox! If you are not yet signed up for our services, now is the time to take advantage. 

Individuals who live in AZ, CA, CO, FL, GA, IL, MI, NV, NY, PA, TN, TX, WA, or WY can schedule an online consultation with one of our expert doctors to get a new prescription of birth control. Already on a birth control pill that you like? Great! You can sign up to move it to our partner pharmacy and get it delivered right to your mailbox. We deliver to all 50 states free of charge! 

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Disclaimer: This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice.

Please consult YOUR doctor/provider before changing, stopping, or starting any medications.

Disclaimer: This article is not, nor is it intended to be, a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment, and should never be relied upon for specific medical advice. Please consult YOUR doctor/provider before changing, stopping, or starting any medications.

Frequently Asked Questions

What does milky white discharge mean?

In general, milky white vaginal discharge can happen any time during your menstrual cycle. It is common for vaginal discharge to feel sticky during ovulation and can be white, off-white, or cloudy. New white, milky discharge can also be an indication of early pregnancy.

A change in discharge thickness, smell, color, or itching, burning, or irritation may be signs of an infection. If you are feeling concerned about any recent discharge, see your doctor.

Why is my discharge white?

White discharge is usually normal. However, a white discharge with a strong odor or a cottage cheese-like consistency could suggest an infection. Yeast infections, for example, will have a white, thick, discharge accompanied by itching, irritation, or burning. If you have any concerns about your discharge please speak with your doctor.

What does yellow discharge during pregnancy mean?

As estrogen levels rise during pregnancy, yellow vaginal discharge often occurs. Yellow discharge can also be caused by bacterial infections, which, if left untreated, may harm your pregnancy. Conditions such aschlamydia, gonorrhea, and trichomoniasis can result in yellow discharge. In addition, uncomfortable underwear or unhygienic products may also cause discharge. If you are experiencing discharge and itchiness, foul odor, or vaginal pain, call your doctor

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