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Let’s Talk About (Inclusive & Comprehensive) Sex, Baby

Medically reviewed by Sophia Yen, MD, MPH – Written by Pandia Health Editorial Team

Sex is something that is supposed to be intimate and enjoyable for both parties so it’s important that both you and your partner look into safe sex practices before blindly jumping into it. Sex has a lot of connotations associated with it – some say it’s fun while others say it’s scary. 

The most probable answer as to why people are afraid or skeptical of sex is because they are unsure about the whole process – most likely because they were not given the proper tools and resources to learn about it. No one wants to feel uncomfortable during sexy time which is why it’s important to do some research to ensure a fun, safe, and intimate environment! 

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The health curriculum at most schools tend to avoid the topic of comprehensive sex education as it can clash with religion and beliefs; schools also usually assume that teens will learn about sex safe from their parents or close friends.They may briefly cover straight sex to impressionable and hormone-driven-teens but it barely scratches the surface of how to have safe sex.


What most schools don’t cover is sex in the queer community which forces this already excluded group to do research on their own. However, we at Pandia Health believe it’s important to teach safe sex to EVERY demographic. So, follow along so you can better understand how to have a fun and safe time with your partner.

Doing research seems intense at first but this is nothing like a research paper for a class. As much as sex is about having fun, it’s important to know how to use protection and to be aware of sexually transmitted infections (STIs) and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).


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We at Pandia Health cannot stress enough about the importance of protection! Protection is not just about preventing pregnancies; it also helps block the spread of STDs. If you are participating in male on male sex with someone whom you are not familiar with, use a condom until you know that your partner is checked. If you are participating in female to female sex, consider using sex toys or a piece of latex to act as a barrier; read more about great LGBTQ+ sex toys to use here!

And for all the ladies who want to skip their period so it doesn’t get in the way of your sexy time, learn how to turn off your cycle with birth control! #Skipthetrip to the pharmacy and get it delivered to you for FREE with Pandia Health! Less time at the pharmacy means more in the bedroom;)


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Before starting anything it’s important to talk to your partner and establish boundaries. Remember, both parties are supposed to be comfortable and make each other happy – it’s not a one way street where only one party is having fun. Express your desires, comfort zones, and your limits.

Being up-front about such boundaries will let your partner be more aware of what makes you happy and avoid the possibilities of putting you in an uncomfortable position. Don’t ever feel embarrassed to speak out even in the middle of intercourse.


Sex exists on a wide spectrum with different options for every individual (and  they’re not always the mainstream version that is reflected in the media!) When talking about sex, remember this and be open minded to everyone’s differences. This especially applies to the LGBTQ+ community as it is still severely misrepresented and underrepresented in today’s society.

If straight sex is rarely covered in schools, there is an extremely low probability that there will be education on queer sex. In our modern society, we have the ability to use the internet to share and express our beliefs and values. Both writing and talking about LGTGBQ+ sex and identities helps normalize the fact that there is no single right way to love someone when it comes to their sex and gender.

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Be confident in yourself and share your opinions proudly; if you aren’t a member of the LGBTQ+ community, show your support for them in their fight for fair representation. Share others’ stories, experiences, and voices in real life conversation and via social media – there are tons of Instagram accounts that post LGBTQ+ content and sharing those posts on your stories will help direct your followers over to their account and gain more traction. 

Embody these four principals into your sex life to boost you and your partners’ seretonins while being safe! Remember that you come first so never be afraid to speak up! 

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Disclaimer: The above information is for general informational purposes only and is NOT a substitute for professional medical advice. Always seek the advice of your doctor/primary care provider before starting or changing treatment.

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