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What would’ve been Roe V Wade Anniversary: 50 Years Since Roe V Wade Decision

Abortion is a reproductive right and a form of reproductive healthcare.

Roe v Wade was a landmark case decided by the United States Supreme Court on January 22, 1973, that gave those with uteri a constitutional right to an abortion. The case was brought forth by “Jane Roe” against the state of Texas, with the court ultimately striking down the Texas law. The decision hinged on the guarantee of “liberty” under the Fourteenth Amendment of the US Constitution, which protects individual privacy, including the right to abortion.

However, in June 2022, the Supreme Court overturned Roe in the Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization ruling, re-opening the door for states to ban abortion outright. This decision resulted in severely limited abortion access across the country because some states had bans in place before Roe came into effect, while other states had “trigger laws” that would go into effect as soon as Roe was overturned. Currently, a patchwork of states guarantees abortion access under law or through state constitutions. Still, other states severely limit or outright ban abortion access.

You can check your states access/laws here. This is a great resource by the nonprofit Center for Reproductive Rights, the legal arm of the reproductive rights movement.

At Pandia Health, we provide the information you need to lead a healthy life, especially for sexual and reproductive health. It is important to know where abortion access stands in the US, which states have banned abortions, and how you can be prepared if you live in a state where abortion access is no longer available.

Abortion access

Abortion Access Before and After Roe V. Wade

The 1973 Roe decision ensured greater reproductive rights. Before Roe, it was typical for women to go to extreme measures to end their pregnancy. As a result, approximately 17% of all deaths due to pregnancy and childbirth in the U.S. resulted from an illegal abortion. Roe v Wade led to the establishment of safe medical options and legal abortion. Additionally, it prevented the government from interfering with abortions when people with uteruses were seeking them.

Since the landmark Roe decision, groups in this country have aimed at curbing abortion rights and enacting strict abortion restrictions or bans. States and federal laws have chipped away this right by: making it harder to fund abortion services, requiring parental consent for minors seeking abortions, enforcing delays to getting an abortion, or banning abortion after specified weeks of pregnancy.

In 2022, most US adults (61%!) say abortion should be legal in all or most cases. But, there is definitely a clear divide between supporting and opposing abortion rights.

What States are Affected by Roe V. Wade’s reversal?

In these states, abortion is currently protected under the law. However, laws have recently been passed expanding access to abortion in California, Connecticut, Hawaii, Illinois, Minnesota, New Jersey, New York, Oregon, Vermont, and Washington.

Abortion is currently protected in these states but may not continue to be protected depending on future election results and legislation: Alaska, Colorado, Delaware, Florida, Kansas, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Montana, and Nevada.

12 states have completely banned abortion since Roe was overturned. For example, Texas (the state that started it all) banned abortion at all stages of pregnancy unless there was a life-threatening medical emergency. The law does not provide exceptions for cases that involve rape or incest. Thirty-two other states have banned abortion after a specified point in pregnancy. Fifteen states require a person seeking an abortion to wait a specified amount before obtaining an abortion. Twenty-four states require parental consent for a minor to get an abortion.

While abortion is illegal in many states, it’s still legal to get an abortion in another state where it is legal (though some states can arrest you on your way back e.g. Georgia but that law was enjoined = blocked). So overturning Roe DOES NOT mean abortion it’s banned everywhere.

If you don’t know what your state’s abortion laws are or where to find abortion providers, there are reliable and safe resources out there. It’s important to make sure you know it is a good and safe site. There are sites run by “crisis pregnancy centers” that are religious non profits who tell lies about abortion such as “abortion will make you sterile.”

A google search for “abortion clinic” often gives you 60% of these fake clinics and 40% real clinics that provide safe abortion. For example, the Center for Reproductive Rights, the legal arm of the reproductive rights movement, has made an interactive map so you can know the latest information on each state. Additionally, also offers information and resources at the state level. The National Network of Abortion Funds (you can apply for funds or donate funds for abortion, travel, etc) and National Abortion Federation (providers of abortion) are also safe, trusted abortion resources. is a non profit with all the information you could need about medication abortion (abortion with pills before 12 weeks pregnancy).

Abortion laws by state

Following Roe v Wade’s overturning, our Pandia Health team is more committed than ever to providing education, information, and reproductive healthcare resources.

What Can I Do About Roe V Wade?

While some reproductive rights are currently protected under the law, they are not guaranteed under the US Constitution which means they are determined state by state. The same reasoning for overturning Roe could be applied to limit access to birth control or the rights of minors in making decisions for their sexual and reproductive health.

Knowing how to help protect reproductive rights for yourself and others is essential.

  1. Vote! The most important way to protect your reproductive rights is to vote for candidates that support bodily autonomy, freedom of religion, abortion rights, and reproductive rights!
  2. Take control of your birth control! If you’re not currently on birth control, consider starting. Automate your birth control by signing up for FREE delivery with Pandia Health or seek longer-term options such as the IUD or implant!
  3. Be prepared! Plan C pills, also known as medication abortion, can be prescribed before you need them if telemedicine abortions are legal in your state. You can also get emergency contraception (EC) pills before you need them! (Make sure you KNOW that emergency contraception is NOT AN abortion.)
  4. Support abortion providers and abortion access funds! Donating to abortion clinics, abortion access funds, or your local Planned Parenthood clinic will help many people in challenging situations get the care they need.

Your Body, Your Birth Control Choice

Abortion is common (on average, 1 in 4 women have had abortion in the US), and people seeking abortions do so for many reasons. Millions of people face unplanned or unwanted pregnancies each year. Some people with planned pregnancies get abortions due to health or safety concerns too.

When you’re up to 11 weeks pregnant, you can legally get an abortion at a health clinic or doctor’s office or use abortion pills (sometimes called the Plan C pills or mifepristone and misoprostol, medication abortion).

To prevent pregnancy, Pandia Health offers Emergency Contraception (which is effective for up to 5 days after unprotected sex or birth control failure) and Birth Control that can help prevent unwanted pregnancies, among many other benefits (decrease acne, decrease blood loss). Pandia Health only offers emergency contraception and the birth control pill, patch, or ring.However, you can get medication abortion = abortion pills as a prescription from your medical or telemedicine provider.

Your Body, Your Birth Control Choice

Sign up for Pandia Health and get your birth control delivered with automatic refills

  • Starting at $7 per pack or FREE with insurance (cancel anytime)
  • FREE delivery and FREE goodies
  • Expert care by expert birth control doctors
  • With or without a prescription, we can help you!

Pandia Health is dedicated to providing accurate and reliable health information — KNOWLEDGE IS POWER! Check out our Instagram and YouTube channel for more information about reproductive rights, women’s health, and lifestyle.

If you’re ready to start automating birth control, Pandia Health is here to help you find the best personalized option. Pandia Health will help empower you with convenient access to safe and effective birth control with minimal, if any, side effects and free delivery!

Frequently Asked Questions

Who Voted Against Roe v. Wade?

In a 6-3 vote, the Supreme Court voted to uphold the Mississippi law that bans nearly all abortions after 15 weeks and which resulted in the overturning of Roe v. Wade in Dobbs v. Jackson. The decision to overturn Roe v. Wade was supported by conservatives John Roberts, Samuel Alito, Clarence Thomas, Neil Gorsuch, Amy Coney Barrett, and Brett Kavanaugh.

Why Should Roe V. Wade be Codified?

Without a law codifying abortion rights, then each person seeking/needing abortion is at the mercy of the politics of their state. Someone in Georgia should have the same rights to bodily autonomy and freedom of religion with respect to abortion as someone in Nevada, but this is not the case. Because of Dobbs v. Jackson overturning Roe v. Wade, each state decides abortion policies.
In 2022, the US House of Representatives passed the Women's Health Protection Act (WHPA) that would have legalized abortion access. However, this bill failed to pass in the Republican-controlled Senate. If the WHPA is enacted, healthcare providers can provide abortion services to their patients regardless of any state laws banning them, protecting abortion nationwide.

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