
Periods optional.

Skip your periods. No more cramps, migraines, mood swings, sanitary emergencies.

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bone health

improved mood

better sleep

less belly fat

improve skin elasticity

bone health

improved mood

better sleep

less belly fat

improve skin elasticity

How to skip your periods?

Skip the sugar pills or ring-free week and that’s it! Go straight to your next pack or change your ring every month (it has 35 days of medicine in it!)

Skip the sugar pills or ring-free week and that’s it! Go straight to your next pack or change your ring every month (it has 35 days of medicine in it!)

Skip the sugar pills or ring-free week and that’s it! Go straight to your next pack or change your ring every month (it has 35 days of medicine in it!)

Did you know?


Of women have never been informed by a doctor that they can safely stop their period.

What are the benefits?

Well for one, NO MORE periods. No more cramps, stained clothing, embarrassing moments, no more tampons and pads. Save money and contribute less to landfill.

Medical conditions that could benefit

  • Acne
  • Diabetes
  • Anemias
  • HIV, Hepatitis B, C
  • Bleeding disorders
  • PCOS
  • Seizure disorder


  • Lowers embarrassment
  • Less anemia
  • No more painful periods
  • Decreased risk of endometrial cancer
  • Decreased risk of ovarian cancer


  • Less $$ spent on feminine hygiene products
  • True Cost of Your click here to read more about it
  • Fewer missed work/school days due to menstrual pain
  • Decrease landfill


Yes, with certain types of hormonal birth control, periods can be optional. It’s safe to skip your period and has many benefits. Find more information in our PeriodOptional page.

While there’s a chance that the hormones can give you the munchies, it’s mostly water retention (and not actual fat)

No, you do not need to be a certain age to get prescription birth control through Pandia. Our telehealth service is designed to provide accessible and comprehensive hormonal care for individuals of all ages. Whether you are a teenager seeking birth control for the first time or an adult looking to switch methods, our healthcare professionals are here to help. However, for anyone under 18, it depends on what state you live in. FL, MI, NV,OH,  TX, and WY require us to have parental consent to prescribe birth control to anyone under 18 years old.

Birth control does not cause infertility. If you’re ready to start trying for a baby, simply stop taking birth control (with your doctor’s supervision). Normal fertility usually returns within one to two menstrual cycles.

Check out our video by Pandia Health’s Co-Founder & Chief Medical Officer Dr. Yen about birth control and infertility to learn more about this important topic

Ready to skip your period?

No more camps, migraines, mood swings, sanitary emergencies.

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