
Give your patients peace of mind.

Pandia Health delivers as many months of prescription birth control as you write for. Reliable and on time, your patients gain #PandiaPeaceOfMind, knowing their medication will get to their mailbox when needed.

Reduce last minute, frantic calls from patients for refills and renewals, avoiding interruptions of your evening and weekends.

Increase your patients’ medication adherence, because they will “never run out of birth control on Pandia Health’s watch.

Help your patients be happier and less stressed about their medication refills.

How it works.

It's fast and simple for your patients to get Pandia Health's free delivery, automatic refill, and annual reminders for renewals. Select the Pandia Health Partner Pharmacy that best applies to your patient’s payment method.

  • Please SIG: disp: 13 or disp: 17 packs (if skipping placebo)
  • (Optional) SIG: ok to skip placebo

E-prescribe options

Pandia Pharmacy

Address: 1900 Camden Ave Suite 101-A, San Jose CA 95124

Phone: 650-437-0561

Fax: 844-493-7071

Cash & Commercial Insurance:

AL, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DE, DC, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MS, MO, MT, NC, ND, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, WY. 
Medi-Cal in CA. Medicaid AZ, CA, CO, MI, OH, PA.

True Pill Pharmacy

Address: 3121 Diablo Ave,
Hayward, CA 94545

Phone: 510-784-4140

Fax: 510-784-0446

Cash & Insurance in:

AL, AK, AR, IN, IA, KS, KY, LA, ME, MD, MS, MO, MT, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NC, ND, OK, RI, SD, UT, VT, VA, WA, WV, DC, AS, GU, MP, PR, UM, VI. Medicaid in: AL, CO, FL, HI, ID, IN, IA, MI, MS, MT, NE, NH, OK, OR, SC, TN, VT, VA, WA, WI

Sterling Pharmacy

Address: Mendota Heights, MN 55120

Phone: 888-618-4126

Fax: 866-588-0371

Twirla patient’s only

Cash and insurance patients:

All 50 states.

Patient sign-up

  • Ask your patient to sign up on our website
  • Select “I have a prescription”
  • Your patient gets: FREE delivery, automatic refills, freebies (like condoms, stickers, chocolate, candy) and annual reminders to see YOU.

Need help? Call 650-437-1213 Live chat   Email

Doctor founded, doctor led.

Pandia Health is the ONLY Doctor-Led birth control delivery company. We are not here to take your patients. We are just here to make sure no one runs out of birth control on our watch.

Doctor founded, doctor led.

Pandia Health is the ONLY Doctor-Led birth control delivery company. We are not here to take your patients. We are just here to make sure no one runs out of birth control on our watch.

Year’s supply

We mail deliver to your patient as many months of medication as you write for and insurance will allow and keep the patient informed via USPS tracking code.

Never run out

We contact customers a week before they are due for a refill, to make sure they are at the same address and still want medications.

We carry almost all brands

Our partner pharmacies carry ALL generic and name brands of prescription birth control. If we are unable to obtain a particular brand, we will notify you and your patient.

Free delivery

Our partner pharmacies bill insurance and most patients will receive their medications for "free" = (no copay/deductible).

Sophia Yen, MD Co-Founder of Pandia Health M.P.H.